And from the Ashes? Growth

web-cafe-angelAfter the series of unfortunate events that made up much of 2001, Speakeasy remain focused on its growth and development.

Even though the cafe had been lost, the crew worked to maintain the spirit of the culture and connection that it had afforded them. While they no longer had their de facto clubhouse, they continued to work, socialize, and support each other outside of the office. The events of the previous year had served to bring them closer together, and they remained a tight knit group.

With the influx of new DirectTV subscribers, Speakeasy's growth resulted in national recognition: The company debuted at number 47 out of Inc.'s 500 fastest growing companies in the country.

The building that the Cafe had been in, however, continued to stand, and was a painful reminder of what the organization had lost. Later that year, the community crowned it with an elegant angel sculpture, which remained until the building was eventually razed a few years later.

2002 marked Speakeasy's complete focus on its broadband services businesses, a new chapter in the company's story.


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Events & Experiences

The Angel of Belltown

The Angel of Belltown

About a year after the fire, Tom and I moved to the building next door to the old Speakeasy Cafe. If
All About the People

All About the People

It's rare that you work with a group of folks that you want to spend the rest of your evening
You Can’t Train Attitude

You Can’t Train Attitude

I have always thought that myself, you can teach anyone anything if they are willing to learn, but
Press: Speakeasy is adept at evolving

Press: Speakeasy is adept at evolving

Finding success as an upstart Internet Service Provider in the early days of the web wasn't easy.
My Views Were Valuable

My Views Were Valuable

At a meeting one morning after about six months or so of starting my job, Mike Apgar turned to me