Java, with a Side of Geocities
After months of construction, the cafe was ready for business. Officially opening the doors on June 16th, 1995, the Speakeasy Cafe offered an array of delectable eats, Kalani Organica espresso, unconventional sodas, beer and wine served up to the rumpled masses.
Originally, the cafe was peppered with several text-only VT100 machines that enabled customers to access their Speakeasy email accounts -- using Pine, a text-only email software developed by the University of Washington -- shell accounts, bulletin board systems and more. In one corner, an array of graphic terminals were corralled for customers to browse the Internet, leveraging the cafe’s ‘blazing fast’ T1 connection to enjoy early streaming audio and video, or to peruse any of the thousands of GeoCities websites featuring rotating torches and deep quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
After opening, Speakeasy streamed the first live Internet art opening, featuring Sky Cries Mary, developed their first product as an ISP -- Internet in a Burlap Sack -- and helped Jack Straw Productions launch their streaming web-only radio show, Sonarchy, which would go on to find a home as one of KEXP’s most beloved weekly shows.
Cafe Build Out: Floor Prep artisan preparing the cafe's cement floor for finishing.
Cafe Build Out: Cement is Made for Destruction Nelson, Tyler Apgar, Sam Foucault, and more, tear up the cafe's floor in order to install plumbing, electricity, and internet connectivity.
Cafe Build Out: So What We Have Here ... Apgar and Brian Nelson survey their handiwork after tearing up the cafe's cement floor.
Cafe Build Out: Calm in the Chaos Foucault taking a break amidst the rubble.
Cafe Build Out: We Need a Channel close up of the ditches that the crew dug in order to install plumbing, electricity, and internet infrastructure.
Cafe Build Out: Tyler's Dimension Apgar measuring and lining up the framing for the walls in the cafe.
Cafe Build Out: Structured an open warehouse, the crew fashioned a kitchen area, back office, theater, and bathrooms.
Cafe Build Out: Counter Canvas cafe's counter, which would eventually serve up espresso, food, beer, and wine, in its embryonic state.
Cafe Build Out: Counter Canvas view of the cafe's counter as it was being constructed.
Cafe Build Out: Room Construction the rooms had been framed, artisans joined the crew to build out the different spaces.
Cafe Build Out: Taking Shape cafe's starting to come together, with walls and structure. It actually looks like it might be more than a big, dusty room someday!
Cafe Build Out: Counter Culture Apgar standing at the first iteration of the cafe's front counter, shortly before opening.
Cafe Build Out: Custom Furniture Apgar employing her mad apparel design skills to create some of the cafe's first furniture: Chairs built from the original lumber from Montana, upholstered with reclaimed fabric.
Cafe Build Out: Have a Seat Apgar's carefully crafted custom chairs, lined up in the alley, ready for duty.
Cafe Build Out: Alley Ways and Gretchen Apgar in front of the alley entrance prior to the cafe's opening.
Crew: Come Together Apgar, Tim Rounds, Gretchen Apgar, and others, during a crew get together.
Crew: First Thanksgiving crew getting together to celebrate Thanksgiving together in the cafe.
Crew: Mike Apgar Apgar hanging out in the alley at 2304 2nd Ave during the early days of the cafe.
Opening Crew original crew and founding members of Speakeasy, posing in front of its sign prior to its opening.
Crew: Opening Celebration Foucault, Gretchen Apgar, and more, celebrate the cafe's grand opening.
Cafe Computers is what the NetDesk area looked like when the cafe first opened.
Cafe Lounge is what the lounge area looked like when the cafe first opened.
Cafe Lounge snapshot of the cafe lounge area on a regular evening.
Cafe Snapshot is what the lounge and counter area looked like when the cafe first opened.
Cafe Gallery: First Show first art installation in the cafe.
Family Matters the cafe opened, it was a community hot spot, with all walks (and crawls) of life coming in to surf the internet, meet their neighbors, and enjoy a cup of coffee.
Crew Shots crew hanging out in front of the counter during the cafe's early days.
Advertising: RAINMail of Speakeasy's print ads, promoting their RAINMail service.
Advertising: Internet in a Burlap Sack art for one of Speakeasy's original ads, promoting their Internet in a Burlap Sack product.
Advertising: Explore the Internet of Speakeasy's first print ads, encouraging folks to use this newfangled thing called the Internet.
Culture: Internet Comics collection of comics referencing the Internet in the mid-1990s.
Press: The Market News to working at the cafe, Patt Cranage wrote about the cafe's opening for the Market News.
Sign of the Times's signature radio tower, rendered in metal and displayed over the marquee on the street.