24 Hours of Cyberspace
As Seattleās Belltown neighborhood slowly matured from a more industrial-oriented district into one that fostered unique, independent and creative businesses, so did the Speakeasy Cafe develop into a popular haunt for both art and tech aficionados alike.
The Internet itself was gaining more interest, and its unique ability to connect people all over the world in real-time was documented by projects such as 24 Hours in Cyberspace. In addition to its in-house Internet access, the Speakeasy crew had coordinated with a smattering of cafes around the city to host RAIN (Remote Access Internet Nodes) terminals, as well as launched dial-up service to the select few who had the gear with which to connect at home. These were the first steps in establishing Speakeasy as more than just an Internet cafe -- it was now on its way to becoming a full-fledged ISP.
Another way it differentiated itself in the community was through its support and showcasing of a variety of independent artists. From hosting local jazz and visual art in the front room to its innovative film and theater programs in the back room, the cafe welcomed creatives of all types. Seattle itself was starting to revitalize its downtown neighborhoods, and the arts were helping to transform once-derelict areas into attractive destinations.
Our Work Is Never Done
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Counter-Sanding-Always-Working.jpgLook, just because you created a cafe, theater, and art gallery out of the pure nothingness of a warehouse doesn't mean you don't have to take a belt sander to a counter every once in awhile.
Cafe Lounge
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Interiors-Early-Lounge-with-Piano.jpgThe cafe's lounge with an art installation and the grand piano.
Cafe Events: Digital Queers
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Cafe-Digital-Queers-Planet-Out.jpgThe queer website Planet Out used the cafe for regular member networking events.
Cafe Events: Northwest Bookfest
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Northwest-Bookfest-1.jpgMike Apgar helping the rumpled masses navigate the internet. With photobomb.
Cafe Events: Northwest Bookfest
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Northwest-Bookfest-2.jpgThe crew served up espresso to the attendants at the festival.
Cafe Events: Northwest Bookfest
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Northwest-Bookfest-3.jpgMike Apgar seems genuinely alarmed by whatever is going on during Northwest Bookfest.
Cafe Event: Northwest Bookfest
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Northwest-Bookfest-4.jpgDerek Kavan and company, serving up coffee with not a small side of attitude.
Cafe Music: Alex Guilbert
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Events-Cafe-Music-Alex-Guilbert.jpgA snapshot of one of the cafe's regular performers, Alex Guilbert and his quartet.
Friday Nights
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Interiors-Early-NetDesk-on-a-Friday-Night.jpgIt wasn't uncommon for the cafe to be filled with jazz lovers, coffee conversationalists, and budding web geeks on weekend nights.
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Break-Dancing-2.jpgSpeakeasy regularly hosted community events, such as street dance performances and competitions.
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Break-Dancing.jpgSpeakeasy regularly hosted community events, such as street dance performances and competitions.
Kultur Shock
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Music-Events-Kultur-Shock-1.jpgAvant Garde Eastern European-inspired musicians performing at the cafe.
Kultur Shock
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Music-Events-Kultur-Shock-2.jpgAvant Garde Eastern European-inspired musicians performing at the cafe.
Reggie Garrett
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Music-Events-Reggie-Garrett.jpgTalented musician Reggie Garret performing in the cafe's lounge.
Infamous Alleyways
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Exteriors-Rendezvous-Alley.jpgThe 2nd avenue alley behind the cafe became infamous in that it was traversed by future rock stars.
Crew: Brian Nelson - The Younger
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Crew-Brian-Nelson-2.jpgUser BNelson in his formative years, working the cafe's NetDesk.
Crew: Chris Osburn
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Crew-Chris-Osburn.jpgChris was Speakeasy original SysAdmin.
Crew: Derek's Resume
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Crew-Derek-Kavan-Written-Resume.jpgDerek Kavan was put on the spot during his interview at the cafe, so he wrote down his resume on a piece of old scratch paper. Note the excellent formatting and penmanship.
Crew: Tyler & Gretchen
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Crew-Tyler-_-Gretchen-Cafe.jpgTyler Apgar and Gretchen Apgar working behind the counter at the cafe.
Cafe Calendar
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Calendar.jpgOne of the cafe's first event calendar flyers.
Cafe Gallery
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Calendar-2.jpgAn early flyer for the cafe's art gallery.
Cafe Menu
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Menu-Fresh-Mozza-Sammy.jpgThe cafe's popular tapenade plate.
Cafe Menu
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Menu-Hummus-Plate.jpgThe cafe's delicious hummus plate.
Cafe Menu
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Menu-Veggie-Plate.jpgThe cafe's veggie and cheese plate.
Press: Asia Times
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-PR-Cafe-Asia-Times-Internet-Cafe-Profiles-March-19-1996.jpgSpeakeasy is featured in the international journal Asia Times.
Press: Christian Science Monitor
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-PR-Cafe-Christian-Science-Monitor-Profile-May-14-1996.jpgSpeakeasy is featured in an article by the Christian Science Monitor.
Press: Der Spiegel
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-PR-Cafe-Der-Spiegel-Profile-1996.jpgSpeakeasy is featured in an article in German publication Der Spiegel, writing about the launch of internet communities and cafes.
Press: Nation's Business
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-PR-Cafe-Nations-Business-X-Marks-the-Spot-for-Low-Key-Sales-May-1996.jpgThe cafe is promoted as a Gen X business in a national business-oriented newspaper.
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-RAIN-Terminal-Drawing.jpgAn artistic rendering of the concept of RAINMail kiosks located in different cafes around Seattle.
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-Rain-Mail.jpgOne of the original RAINMail terminal signs.
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-Cafe-RAIN-Terminal.jpgAnother version of the RAINMail terminal signage.
Rules of the Road
https://www.speakeasy.cafe/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Web-User-Manual-V1.jpgSpeakeasy's first user manual, for the RAINMail and dial-up internet customers.